Fisher-Price Loving Family Laundry Room Playset

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Brand Fisher-Price
Model BFR53
Color 1

  • Front-load washer & dryer with doors that open and close (washing machine's color may vary)
  • Spin the dial to rotate the clothes in the washer and dryer
  • Pull-out ironing board with tethered iron
  • Tethered laundry soap
  • Open-and-close storage closet with realistic, molded-in cleaning supplies

  • Doing laundry won't be a chore at all when it's this fun and interactive! Your little housekeeper can open and close the doors on the front-load washer and dryer, add the laundry soap, spin the dial to rotate the clothes, pull out the ironing board and press the clothes with the tethered iron. When the laundry's done, it's on to vacuuming and cleaning! There's a storage closet to hold the free-standing vacuum and molded-in cleaning supplies. Add this set to the Loving Family Dollhouse to keep it spic and span! (Sold separately and subject to availability.) Please Note: the washing machine's color may vary.

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