Learn colors, numbers, animals, animal sounds, parts of the face, greetings and first words with Puppy's Piano
Learn in both English and Spanish
Let baby be creative by making their own song as they press on the light-up keys
Press down on the keys to hear piano notes, colors and umbers both in English and Spanish
Fun for all kids
The Laugh & Learn Puppy's Piano with CD includes a compilation of over twenty minutes of your favorite Laugh & Learn tunes, including both original songs and classic nursery rhymes! Puppy's Piano features the LNL Puppy character with a light-up nose and four light-up keys for musical learning fun! The piano is sized just right to take on-the-go! With three modes of play - Learning, Music & Bilingual - baby can learn about colors, numbers, animals, animal sounds, parts of the face, greetings and first words in English & Spanish! Press the keys to hear piano notes, colors and numbers in English & Spanish or animal sounds! Baby can create her own song as she presses the light-up keys! Learn about animals and the sounds they make - there's a different animal on each key! Press Puppy's nose to hear sung learning songs and see his nose light up! With 12 sung songs in total, baby will love learning through music with Puppy's Piano! Brand: Fisher-Price, Model: X9212
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