Fisher-Price Imaginext Space Alpha Walker

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  • Put the space trooper in the Alpha Walker's "crow's nest" to lead the charge!
  • Turn the disk to activate motorized walking action and to move the Alpha Walker's head side-to-side, all with realistic mechanical sound effects!
  • Press the button on the Walker's head to fire disks out of his mouth!
  • Use the crane on back to capture attacking aliens
  • When other Imaginext spaceships fire at him, the Alpha Walker responds with cool sound effects and phrases!

  • The Alpha Walker is here to help your little space adventurer "stomp out" invading aliens! Put the space trooper figure in the "crow's nest" on the Walker to lead the charge! Turn the disk to get the Alpha Walker walking and his head moving side to side, all with realistic mechanical sound effects! Under attack Fire disks at the aliens and use the crane to capture them! This mighty warrior even responds with cool sound effects and phrases when other Imaginext ships fire at him! (Sold separately.) This futuristic Alpha Walker will send your young space scout's imagination into another galaxy!
    Brand: Fisher-Price, Model: BHX71

    Custom Tab 01

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