Fieldpiece ATH4 Dual-Temperature Accessory Head

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  • Designed for HVAC/R, the Dual-Temperature Accessory, model ATH4, measures two temperatures and calculates the difference in English or metric units
  • Field calibration for ±1-Degree F accuracy
  • Displays -Degree F directly at 01-Degree F resolution on DMM with 01mVDC resolution
  • Select Degree F or Degree C
  • Converts from -50-Degree F to 1800-Degree F (optional thermocouple required for 1800-Degree F)

  • The Fieldpiece Dual-Temperature Accessory, model ATH4, measures two temperatures simultaneously using the included k-type, wrap tab beaded thermocouples. The technology inside the ATH4 provides superior temperature compensation in rapidly changing environments commonly found while performing field service. Use the ATH4 to find Delta T and just about any temperature split you want to measure. Displays T1, T2 and T1-T2 on your Fieldpiece meter, handle or data logger. It is included with the HVAC Guide System Analyzer to get target superheat and for the Target Evaporator Exit Temperature test. Fieldpiece offers a wide variety of k-type thermocouples for various HVAC specific applications. Use pipe clamp T/Cs with the ATH4 to check for blocked filters. Use wet and dry bulb thermocouples to find target superheat.
    Brand: Fieldpiece, Model: ATH4

    Custom Tab 01

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