Festool 496647 Interface Pad For Superfine Abrasive

SKU: EZFB0039X73H8
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  • An extremely soft foam pad, the interface pad allows the abrasive to float, producing smoother results on delicate profiles and contours
  • For superfine sanding, the interface pad absorbs the energy of the user and the machine, leading to less abrasion and a higher-grade finish
  • Multi-Jetstream pad and abrasive designs help capture up to 99% of dust, and last up to 30% longer
  • StickFix hook and loop design for quick and efficient abrasive changes; enables re-use of partially used abrasives
  • High-Temperature resistant for heavy duty applications.

  • Festool 496647 Interface Pad For Superfine Abrasive
    Brand: Festool, Model: 496647

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