Fastway e2 2-Point Sway Control Trunnion Hitch, 92-00-1000, 10,000 Lbs Trailer Weight Rating, 1,000 Lbs Tongue Weight Rating, Weight Distribution Kit Includes Standard Hitch Shank, Ball NOT Included

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Brand Fastway
Model 92001000
Color Black
Size 10K Trunnion Without Ball

  • The complete Solution by offering Built-in Sway Control Without Requiring Add-on hassles
  • Sway Control and Weight Distribution in One System
  • No Backing or Turning Restrictions
  • Comes in Trunnion and Round Bar Models
  • Ten Year Warranty

  • For the best and safest towing experience, you need the e2 hitch, providing you with faster and easier weight distribution and sway control. Old chain-style hitches don't provide built-in sway control and add-ons are a hassle to remove when backing-up and making tight turns. The e2 hitch's rigid brackets give you permanent sway control, so you can get on the road faster and enjoy your drive, without having to worry about extra add-ons to connect and remove for backing or making tight turns. With the e2 hitch there's nothing extra to buy and install, store, remove before you can back into your campsite, or to make a u-turn. For a faster, easier and safer towing experience, get a Fastway e2 hitch today. The e2 hitches have the convenience of Integrated Sway Control built into the hitch; so you have sway control engaged whenever you are hitched up and towing. The e2 utilizes unique sway control brackets instead of old 'add-on' sway bars or cam type attachments that are added to chain style hitches. Integrated sway control offers many benefits including no backing or turning restrictions, and simple and easy to understand adjustments. Built with sway control in mind, the e2 hitch is better than a chain style hitch with add-on sway control devices. The unique rigid sway control brackets provide the convenience of integrated Sway Control through two points of linear steel on steel friction. Instead of the spring arm swinging back and forth freely at the bottom of a chain, e2's spring arms rest on top of a bare metal bracket. This improvement alone significantly reduces driver fatigue and stress while towing, not to mention making it easier to use than chain style hitches on the market. Without proper weight distribution drivers can experience highway hop, loss of steering control, and sagging of the tow vehicle. The e2 hitch changes the way the tow vehicle and trailer couple together.

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