Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars X-Wing: TIE Bomber Expansion Pack

Fantasy Flight Games
SKU: EZF1616616776
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  • The TIE bomber and its astonishing arsenal join the dramatic dogfights of X-Wing
  • Features one pre-painted, detailed TIE bomber miniature at 1/270 scale
  • Five upgrades and four new ship cards allow you to outfit and pilot your TIE bomber as you choose

  • Star Wars: X-Wing - TIE Bomber

    While not as agile or fast as other TIE variants, the TIE bomber is capable of delivering an astonishing payload and the TIE Bomber Expansion Pack for X-Wing carries enough firepower to destroy virtually any enemy target. Each TIE bomber is capable of carrying two torpedoes, two missiles and one bomb. Accordingly, the expansion's five upgrade cards present you with a wide array of armaments, including the punishing Proton Bombs. You'll also find a striking miniature, a maneuver dial, all necessary tokens and four talented new pilots.

    Brand: Fantasy Flight Games, Model: SWX15

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