Inside:Contain 50 white pocket pages double sides,it can holds 300 photos totally,every page can slip in 3 pieces 4x6 photos horizontally,and every page have memo area beside
Display:Put photos horizontally into this album with a elegant ivory flannelette cover
Characteristic:The cover can slip in a special 3.5x4" photo
This photo album can holds total 300 photos horizontally with attracted cover.It can be used as a wedding photo album,anniversary album which can record all of sweet memory and the important moment from when you begin to know each other ,then fall in love , get married to have your child.It is a beautiful process and experiece,you can review your sweet life from this album when you miss him/her.It is also can be used as a vacation photo album,wedding guesbook,family album which is a perfect gift for you to give your friends and familes.And this album there will be one page less or more occasionally when it was made. Brand: FaCraft, Color: 300 Ivory,Leather
Custom Tab 01
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