Extreme Max 5600.3109 Aluminum Hawse & Rubber Bumper for ATV / UTV Winch

Extreme Max
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  • Aluminum MAGNA polished hawse and 2.5" x 2" DuraTough rubber hook stopper / line saver
  • MAGNA polished aluminum hawse is precision machined to smoothly feed rope withoutchafing or abrasion even at angled pulls
  • DuraTough rubber bumper prevents damage to hawse, eliminates rattles, and protects synthetic rope
  • 4.875" hole spacing for a universal fit on 2500-3600 lb. ATV winches
  • Installation hardware included

  • Synthetic winch rope requires special care for the best performance. Treat it right to avoid abrasion and chafing that will shorten its life and decrease integrity. Start with a super-smooth aluminum hawse to create perfect pulling angles on a smooth surface. Ours is precisely machined, polished to a mirror finish in a proprietary 6-step MAGNA polishing process, and backed by a 2-year replacement warranty. Protect your hawse and rope and eliminate rattles with a 2.5” x 2” rubber bumper. This one has UV inhibitors for long life and a dense DuraTough construction to stop hooks cold. It saves your line from undue strain, and hawse from dents. All installation hardware included.
    Brand: Extreme Max, Model: 5600.3109

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