Excellante 20-Inch Wood Mixing Paddles

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  • Made out of natural wood for durability and delicate mixing
  • Ideal for any eatery that requires stirring large quantities of food that requires a delicate, but firm touch
  • Wooden mixing paddle is meant to be used with any large cook pot that can hold a large quantity of food
  • Comes in 5 different sizes: 20, 24, 42, 54 and 60 Inch, meeting any length for mixing
  • Since it is crafted out of wood, it will stay sturdy and reliable for quite some time and will endure repeated uses
  • Stainless steel mixing paddle is ideal for any restaurant, cafeteria, buffet, or eatery that requires stirring large quantities of food such as mashed potatoes, fried rice, noodles, soups, or any other food that requires a delicate, but firm touch.
  • Wooden mixing paddle is meant to be used with any large crock pot that can hold a large quantity of food
  • Comes in 9 different sizes: 18, 20, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54 and 60 Inch, meeting any length for mixing

  • Excellante 20-inch wood mixing paddles. A sturdy wooden mixing paddle is a perfect tool for mixing dough or for cooking in a large stock pot. It is easy to clean.
    Brand: Excellant, Model: WDTHMP020, Color: Beige, Size: 20-Inch

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