Designed with functionality and style in mind - Ornate scrollwork adds a sophisticated touch
Weather-resistant finish prevents rust from developing
Rubber caps on top and bottom prongs hold bath securely without scratching the glass and give stability to the base
Measures approximately 12 -5"L x 12 -5"W x 34"H
Beckon feathered friends to your yard with an elegant yet functional bird bath. Regardless of your geographic location, birds need a year-round dependable source of clean drinking water, as well as a place to bathe and preen.Fill a bath with fresh, shallow water to keep birds cool and give them the ability to remove dirt, dust, and parasites from their plumage. Adding a bath to your outdoor space can double the variety of birds that visit. With the proper equipment and placement, the bath will be the delight of humans and winged creatures alike! Use this birdbath stand in combination with any of Evergreen's bird bath bowls. Brand: Evergreen Garden, Model: Evergreen Enterprises, Color: Multi, Size: 34.00 in. x 12.60 in. x 12.60 in.
Custom Tab 01
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