Cast-iron flag bracket with a White finish that can be mounted outdoors to hold flag poles in two different positions: 45-degree or 90-degree angle
Fits an evergreen flag house or estate flag pole - if using a non-evergreen pole, please ensure the pole's diameter is approximately 1" for a proper fit - flag and pole Sold Separately
Light assembly required - mounting screws are included
Weather-resistant for long-lasting use
Dimensions: 2.50" x 6.50 x 2.50"
High quality & easy to use, this White painted cast iron bracket is sure to help display your stunning house or vertical sized flags. Installing this bracket is a breeze, & it's even easier to adjust the position to best display your different styles of flags. Make an impression! these long lasting & durable brackets strongly hold our flag poles sturdily in place. Created with the highest quality materials to easily use with your flag pole. Not only are they easy to use, but they're made to last & last. Sure to hang your flag proudly in front of your home for month after long-lasting month. Brand: Evergreen Flag, Model: 03001, Color: White, Size: 4.00 in. x 3.50 in. x 3.00 in.
Custom Tab 01
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