Evelots 6 Large 6" Plastic Muslin Spring Clamps Hard Grip Clips

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  • Great for Hanging canvases for photography, green Screens, hobbies and other craft projects
  • The orange ends pivot to grip odd shaped objects
  • Spring keeps clamps tight
  • Made of hard, textured plastic for durability and easy holding set of 6 - 6clamps
  • Set of 6 - 6" clamps
  • TRUSTED VENDOR! For years Evelots has been bringing unique products with a 30 day, easy return policy and 100% satisfaction guarantee.

  • This set of 6 large heavy duty spring muslin clamps are very strong and great for a variety of projects, whether its for small arts & craft projects or using them to secure paper canvases for painting, blue printing, securing fabric or backdrops, woodworking, DIY, and more! both heavy duty and light weight, making these clamps very easy to work with and tough enough to get the job done. The orange clamp ends flip up and down to adjust to any angle needed for the object's shape. The textured handles help to give you a better grip and more control. Set comes with a total of 6 large clamps. The clamps measure approximately 6 inches in length and open to about 2 inches. Made out of solid heavy duty plastic and metal.
    Brand: Evelots, Model: 5281, Color: Black

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