Ernie Ball Power Slinky Nickel Wound Set.011 - .048

Ernie Ball
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  • Made in California, U.S.A. Featuring the finest and freshest materials.
  • Played By Legends around the world including Slash, Jimmy Page, Metallica, Eric Clapton, and more...
  • Element Shield Packaging Prolongs string life and keeps strings as fresh as the day they were made
  • Recipes and Popular gauges created by industry icon Ernie Ball

  • Ernie Ball Power Slinky Electric Strings are a perfect match for those who like chunky rhythms for rock and roll or blues.  Power Slinkys have long been favored by Slash, Metallica, & Kenny Wayne Shepherd due to the thicker gauge combination providing a slightly more powerful tone. These strings are precision manufactured to the highest standards and most exacting specifications to ensure consistency, optimum performance, and long life. Power Slinky wound strings are made from nickel plated steel wire wrapped around a hex shaped steel core wire.  The plain strings are made of specially tempered tin plated high carbon steel; producing a well balanced tone for your guitar. Gauges .011 .014 .018p .028 .038 .048. Part number 2220.
    Brand: Ernie Ball, Model: P02220, Size: Power

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