Eric Carle Shopping Cart and Hi Chair Cover, Baby Cart Cover, Grocery Shopping Cart Seat Cover, Hi Chair Cushion, Safety Harness, Loops for Toys, Compact Storage Pouch, Hungry Caterpillar

Eric Carle
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  • Two In One Utility: This cover fits any grocery shopping cart seat (even large ones), will tuck into any high chair, and can be used in other chairs or car seats.
  • Easy On And Off: Flip the cover open, drape over the seat, and tuck in your child. When done, it rolls up quickly into a compact storage pouch that is attached
  • Convenient Organization: Three toy loops will keep your baby's favorites right where they can get to them. A generous zipper pocket will hold snacks, wipes, more toys, utensils, whatever you can think of, safely and securely

  • Ensure your baby's comfort, and keep your surroundings cleaner with this cover>/b>Busy parents can now keep their baby comfortably and protectively cushioned, while making cleanup after a meal or snack so much easier. Between carrying all your baby's supplies, gathering groceries and running errands generally, you also have to wipe down anything your baby uses after feeding an active child. Busy parents know how complicated a simple day out can get. Add in keeping shopping carts and restaurant (or your home) baby chairs shielded from baby's food, as well as keeping your baby safely secured into them, and you're looking at keeping a constant eagle eye on your baby combined with a lot of wiping down. Enter this cheerful, practical and easy-to-use shopping cart seat/high chair cover. Your child will have the comfort and security of a familiar piece of their life with them wherever they go. Features a sturdy web harness for total safety while your child is seated, 3 toy loops, easy wipe down/washable surface, plenty of cushioning against rails and bars and a zip-close pocket to hold toys, snacks or anything else necessary. Add in compact, easy roll-up into the attached storage pouch, and you have a safe, clean and compact go-anywhere seat cover.
    Brand: Eric Carle, Model: 70012, Color: Red

    Custom Tab 01

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