Electric Propeller,10 x 7E

Landing Products
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  • 10x7 Thin Electric Propeller by APC
  • 10x7 Thin propeller for electric motors

  • 10 x 7E Propeller The molding compound used in APC propellers is manufactured using a pultrusion process. This method causes the fiberglass "fibers" to be oriented axially in 1/2" long pellets. This long fiber compound allows a higher fiber (60%) to resin (nylon binder) density than short or chopped fiber compounds. Viscous (skinning) affects during injection molding cause these long fibers to remain dominantly oriented in the propeller span-wise axis. This provides substantially higher strength and stiffness compared to more conventional processes, which use short or chopped fibers.
    Brand: Landing Products, Model: LP10070E

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