Eaton L630R 30-Amp 250-Volt Hart-Lock Industrial Grade Receptacle with Safety Grip Black and White

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  • Compact body design allows for adequate wire room in the wall box
  • Heavy interior walls provide additional support to ensure contact retention
  • Comes with a heavy duty mounting strap that is double riveted to the body for added strength
  • One piece brass contacts provide excellent plug retention and electrical continuity with minimum heat rise
  • Features multiple-head screws for flexibility in the installation and ease of use

  • The Eaton L630R 30-Amp 250-Volt Hart-Lock Industrial Grade Receptacle with Safety Grip is designed and built with superior materials for long-lasting performance. It is used for 20-amp 125-volt with a NEMA L6-30R. NEMA provides a forum for the standardization and testing of electrical equipment, enabling consumers to select from a range of safe, effective, and compatible electronics. Its compact body design allows for adequate wire room in the wall box. Heavy interior walls provide additional support to ensure contact retention. It comes with a heavy duty mounting strap that is double riveted to the body for added strength. One piece brass contacts provide excellent plug retention and electrical continuity with minimum heat rise. It features multiple-head screws for flexibility in the installation and ease of use. It features serrated terminal plates and contoured terminal clamp "bites" on the conductors for positive termination. Eaton is committed to providing products that increase productivity, energy efficiency, safety at work and in the home, and produce reliable performance. Whether a home-Feets style is traditional, modern, casual, cozy or rustic, it will demand more from wiring devices than in years past. Eaton is dedicated to providing the up-to-date wiring device solutions that today-Feets homes need.
    Brand: Eaton, Model: L630R, Color: Black and White, Size: N/A

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