Highest quality lathe woodturning tools one hundred percent designed and made in the USA
Accepts 3 special proprietary carbide cutters; Ci1-R2, Ci-R4 and Ci-SQ. Comes fitted with Ci-R4.
Never sharpen again. Carbide cutters have 4 sharp sides. Stays sharp many times longer that steel
16 inch Maple handle, 8.5 inch by half inch square CNC machined stainless steel bar, 24.5 inch overall length
The Easy Wood Tools Full Size Easy Rougher is a replaceable carbide insert woodturning lathe tool that addresses fatigue, safety, and efficiency like no other type of tool on the market. Designed to be kept flat on the tool rest, level to the floor and pushed straight into your work, the Easy Rougher will effortlessly hog away massive amounts of wood. No intimidating cutting angles to learn and remember-cuts left, right and straight in without changing approach angle. This simple approach to turning allows you to learn and master wood turning in no time. The tool design provides support directly beneath the cutting edge transferring the cutting pressure downward allowing the lathe to \"take the pounding\" that you would normally suffer through when using a conventional bowl gouge for roughing. Requires very little physical strength or exertion, so no more 'white knuckling' a bowl gouge. Truly deeper cuts - up to 1 inch off the diameter in one pass with the Full Size Rougher. Maximum reach from tool rest is 4 inches. Super hard Maple handle is 16 inches long with easy grip handle. Solid CNC machined stainless steel tool bar is 8.5 inches long and 1/2 inch square. Overall tool length is 24.5 inches The Full Size Rougher accepts 3 different proprietary carbide cutters: Ci1-R2 (2 inch radius) , Ci1-R4 (4 inch radius) , or the Ci1-SQ (no radius). These carbide cutters have four sharp sides and are easily rotated to expose new sharp edges. You will never need to sharpen again! Cutters are specially designed with the optimal grind, geometry and grade of carbide to excel at woodturning. The rougher comes with a Ci1-R4 square carbide cutter installed and a hex wrench. The Easy Rougher is capable of plunge cuts similar to using a giant parting tool. This type of cut sends massive amounts of material straight back at the operator. Available Chip Deflector keeps most shavings away from the face and neck. Deflector shields must be purchased separately. Brand: Easy Wood Tools, Model: 1200
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