Earth Mama Organic Nipple Butter for Breastfeeding and Dry Skin, 2-Fluid Ounce

Earth Mama
In Stock


Brand Earth Mama
Model B001FB5LYI
Color Multicolor
Size Single

  • Earth Mama Angel Baby's Natural Nipple Butter is now Earth Mama's Organic Nipple Butter!
  • With organic herbs traditionally used to soothe and moisturize nipples and dry skin
  • NO petroleum, parabens, or lanolin - no need to wash it off before nursing
  • Chosen by hospital NICUs
  • Dermatologist tested and clinically tested for irritation

  • Soothing, non sticky Natural Nipple Butter does not contain lanolin, Non GMO calendula nipple cream for breastfeeding mamas, and anyone with dry skin. A buttery, organic herbal salve, soothing to sore, chapped, blistered nipples and safe for baby to ingest too, no need to wash it off before nursing. The first lanolin void, Non GMO Project Verified nipple cream, Natural Nipple Butter is hospital recommended, clinically tested, non irritating and dermatologically reviewed. A value at two ounces, it is almost double other natural brands. Made with food grade organic healing herbs and moisturizing plant butters. Apply balm after each feeding. Lots of brilliant alternative uses, perfect for safe, natural skincare, chapped lips, cheeks, dry heels and rough elbows, excellent as a breast pump lube too. Safe as Mamas Arms.Natural Nipple Butter was the first lanolin vpod Non GMO Project Verified nipple cream. It is hospital recommended, clinically tested, non irritating and dermatologically reviewed, and void from the most common allergens. Formulated by a Nurse and Herbalist. It is non toxic, naturally, never any toxins or worrisome ingredients and no artificial fragrance, flavors, or dyes. No petroleum products, mineral oil, Vitamin E, phthalates or parabens either. Naturally vegan and no gluten. Safe for mama and baby too, no need to wash it off before nursing.These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Made in the USA. Certified by Oregon Tilth. No Toxins, rated 0 on EWGs Skin Deep Cosmetics Database. It is normal for this cream to have white specks, or crystal looking textures. Those pearl like bits are just natural plant butters, which solidify when they get cold. They will melt in your fingers and be as effective as ever.

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