Eagle Tool ESP50036 Flex Shank Installer Drill Bit, Screw Point, 1/2-Inch by 36-Inch, Made inthe USA

Eagle Tool
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  • Made in USA
  • Aggressive and self feeding screw point
  • Flexible spring steel shank with wire fishing accommodation holes in the head and shank
  • Three flat non-slip grip on the chuck end
  • Add a Quick Switch Hex to adapt to a Quick Change chuck part number ETHXKIT187

  • Eagle Tool US flexible combination screw point cable bit. The ultra sharp threads provide better pulling power and faster cutting speeds for moving quickly through obstructions inside walls. Aggressive and self feeding with a flexible spring steel shank, three flat non slip grip, and wire fishing accommodation holes. Recommended for wood.
    Brand: Eagle Tool, Model: ESP50036, Size: 1/2 in.

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