Eagle 1915 Galvanized Steel Cabinet Shelf for 15, 30 and 45 gallon Cabinet, 350 lbs Holding Capacity, 1-1/2"Height, 40" Width, 15" Depth, Steel

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  • Cabinet shelf for use with 15-, 30-, and 45-gallon Eagle safety cabinets (sold separately) to store safety cans containing flammable or hazardous liquids
  • Can support up to 350 pounds
  • Made of 18-gauge galvanized steel, which is resistant to rust, dents, and certain chemicals
  • Measures 1-1/2 x 40 x 15 inches (H x W x D); weighs 12 pounds

  • The Eagle 1915 cabinet shelf is a galvanized steel shelf that can be used with 15-, 30-, and 45-gallon Eagle safety cabinets (sold separately) to store safety cans containing flammable or hazardous liquids. The shelf can support up to 350 pounds. It is made of 18-gauge galvanized steel, which is resistant to rust, dents, and certain chemicals. Gauge is a measure of thickness (the lower the gauge, the thicker the material). The shelf measures 1-1/2 x 40 x 15 inches (H x W x D) and weighs 12 pounds. (H is height, the vertical distance from lowest to highest point; W is width, the horizontal distance from left to right; D is depth, the horizontal distance from front to back.)

    Hazardous storage cabinets are used to store, organize, and segregate safety cans containing flammable or hazardous liquids. Some cabinets are made of galvanized steel and are double-walled to reduce the risk of fires. Others are made of polyethylene, which is resistant to certain acids and corrosive liquids. Cabinets may have standard hinged doors that close manually or self-closing hinged or sliding doors that close automatically. They can be color-coded: yellow for flammables; red for combustibles; blue for corrosives; green for pesticides; silver or light neutral for laboratory materials; and white or gray for other waste or outdoor lockers. Certain cabinets are FM Approved and meet National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards for the storage and handling of flammable liquids. Hazardous storage cabinets are used in a variety of commercial and industrial environments and can also be suitable for home use.

    Eagle Manufacturing Company manufactures industrial safety, haz-mat, and storage products that meet International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards for quality assurance. The company, founded in 1894, is headquartered in Wellsburg, VA.

    Brand: Eagle, Model: 1915, Color: Silver

    Custom Tab 01

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