E500T Series On Delay Timer Switch, 120-240VAC Input Supply 60 Hz, SPDT Output Contact

TORK a brand of NSi Industries, LLC
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  • Delayed On cycle switch for use with digital time switches
  • Allows staged start of high voltage demand devices
  • 32 settings from five seconds to three hours
  • 120/240 VAC input voltage for multiple uses
  • NEMA-4X plastic enclosure for indoor use

  • This NSi Industries E500T delay timer switch accepts 120/240 VAC input and its SPDT contacts can activate a 20 amp load or a 2 hp motor. 32 delay set points are user-selectable from five seconds to three hours. The single-pole double-throw (SPDT) contacts are housed within a plastic enclosure for indoor use that meets NEMA-4X standards for water resistance. This timer switch is Underwriter Laboratories (UL) Listed for quality assurance and is suitable for delaying the On cycle for a staged start of high voltage demand devices and percentage time operation for a variety of electrically powered processes.


    Switch type Digital delayed On cycle switch, 32 sensor-driven cycles
    Input power supply 120/240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 16 W power consumption
    Output contacts SPDT contacts, 20 amp load rating, 2 hp motor load rating
    On/off control 32 settings, five seconds to three hours
    Enclosure NEMA-4X plastic enclosure, indoor use
    Terminal wire size range #12 to #18 AWG (American wire gauge)
    Operating temperature range 32 to 122 degrees F (0 to 50 degrees C)
    Standards met UL Listed

    Automatic switches are used to turn on or off electrical devices and are activated by time, light, and motion. Time activated switches (also known as timers) operate at preset time intervals during a daily or weekly period and can be either mechanical or electronic. Mechanical timers feature a dial with multiple pins to set the on/off time intervals. Electronic timers feature an LCD display and pushbuttons to set the time intervals. Light activated switches (also known as optical or photo) operate when ambient light levels reach preset values, generally measured in foot candles. Motion-activated switches (also known as motion sensors) operate when an electronic field of a preset range is interrupted. These switches can include energy saving logic that uses combinations of time, light, and motion to operate and can include one or more device outlets or circuit contacts. Automatic switches are used to control indoor lights, outdoor lights, appliances, and small equipment motors.

    NSi Industries manufactures electrical components and sensors, lighting products, and energy management products. The company, founded in 1975, is headquartered in Huntersville, NC.

    Brand: TORK a brand of NSi Industries, LLC, Model: E500T

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