Dykem 80300 Steel Blue Layout Fluid, Brush-in-Cap (4oz)

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  • Used to coat metal to provide a glare-free, uniform color so scribes appear clear and sharp
  • Can also be used on other surfaces to reveal defects or pinholes, or view gear tooth contact pattern
  • Provides a thin film without cracking or chipping and dries in minutes for convenience
  • Bottle containing 4 oz. of fluid

  • The Dykem 80300 Steel Blue layout fluid is used to coat metal to provide a glare-free, uniform color so scribes appear clear and sharp. This product is a transparent, blue stain. It can also be used on other surfaces to reveal defects or pinholes, or view gear tooth contact pattern. It provides a thin film without cracking or chipping and dries in minutes for convenience. It comes in a bottle containing 4 oz. of fluid. The bottle has a brush in the lid that can be used to apply the solution.

    Dykem manufactures marking systems including layout fluid, staining colors, thinner, remover, and mark and code pens. Established in 1920, Dykem was acquired in 1987 by Illinois Tool Works (ITW), now ITW Professional Brands. ITW Professional Brands is headquartered in Olathe, KS.

    Brand: Dykem, Model: 80300, Color: Blue, Size: 4 oz.

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