Du Ha Under Seat Storage Fits 09-14 Ford F-150 SuperCrew with Subwoofer, Black, Part #20078

Du Ha
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Brand Du Ha
Model 20078
Color Black
Size Custom Fit - One Size Only

  • Fits 09-14 Ford F-150 SuperCrew with Subwoofer, Part #20078
  • Store your gear and valuables safely out of sight underneath your back seat
  • Engineered to fit your specific truck with matching interior colors
  • Includes organizers/gun racks; this model holds up to (2) shotguns or rifles, 1 with scope
  • Made in the USA from heavy duty polyethylene with a lifetime warranty

  • DU-HA Storage Systems - Whether you're a contractor, sportsman or simply someone looking for a great way to organize your pickup truck and keep your gear safe and out of sight, the DU-HA is perfect for you. The DU-HA allows you to store your gear, guns, power tools, tow ropes, tie down straps, first aid kit, tackle, bungee straps, hats, boots, gloves, chains, jumper cables, and so much more safely and securely under or behind the back seat of your truck. The DU-HA includes a 2 piece gun rack/organizer, so you can safely store your guns in their upright position. The organizers/gun racks are easily removable so you can store larger items if you'd like. The DU-HA acts as a legal gun case in most states and carries 2-4 guns depending on the model of your truck. Most DU-HA's can be installed quickly and easily in under 10 minutes. Many models are available in matching interior colors, so the Du-HA will blend in seamlessly with your trucks interior and have a factory feel. The DU-HA is constructed from heavy duty polyethylene, is Made in the USA, and has a lifetime warranty. IMPORTANT Fitment info – Fits 11-14 Ford F-150 SuperCrew with factory subwoofer. Please be sure to specify your year/make/model vehicle using the “Find Parts” at the top of the product page to make sure it fits

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