Great for Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, and other combat miniature or role-playing games
Double-sided Dry-Erase Surface with interlocking tabs/slots on each side
Each piece is 5" square with 1" grid, compatible with our 10" tiles
Constructed of strong chipboard approx. 1/8" (3.8mm) thick. Set of 36 weighs about 3 pounds.
See our YouTube video: Role 4 Initiative Dungeon Tiles
This package of Role 4 Initiative Dungeon Tiles contains 36 5-inch tiles that interlock like puzzle pieces. Compatible with both dry-erase and wet-erase markers. More flexible than a traditional battle mat, start your game with a single tile and connect the tiles as the adventurers explore new areas. Never again give away clues as to which way the corridors may lead due to starting placement on a large mat. The 5" modularity allows the Dungeon Master to draw many details of an area at his seat and then simply hand the tile to the nearest player to connect. Take advantage of the double-side feature by pre-drawing map features before the game and only revealing tiles as they are encountered. You can draw one side as it appears naturally, and the other side that shows all the hidden traps and magic features when they are triggered. Also available in a pack of 9 10-inch squares and combo pack of both 5-inch and 10-inch squares. Be sure to check out our videos on YouTube: Role 4 Initiative Dungeon Tiles for a full preview. Miniatures and markers sold separately. Brand: Role 4 Initiative, Model: NA
Custom Tab 01
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