Dreamfarm Vebo - Silicone Vegetable Steaming, Washing, Draining and Cooking Basket (5-inch)

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  • Vebo is a silicone cooking basket and vegetable steamer
  • Wash or boil your vegetables in your Vebo
  • Or use it for steaming thanks to its raised floor
  • Vebo makes healthy eating easy
  • Premium-grade silicone is heat resistant up to 260°C/500°F. Dishwasher safe.

  • Why is cooking vegetables such a pain All you want to do is create a healthy meal but all you end up doing is creating a mountain of dirty dishes. Not anymore. Vebo will boil, steam and strain your vegetables all in one unit, which is also great for serving straight onto your plates. Vebo is made from heat-resistant silicone so you can lift it straight out of the hot water and leave it on the sink to strain. The unique wall design squashes down to fit any sized pot, keeping the pot lid on tightly to cut steaming and boiling time, and also saving storage space by fitting inside an empty pot when you're not using it. No more worrying about dirtying a heap of bulky steamers, strainers and serving tools just to create one part of your meal - Vebo will boil, steam and strain your vegetables and it's completely dishwasher safe.
    Brand: Dreamfarm, Model: DFVE6018, Color: Blue, Size: 5-inch

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