Dreambaby Retractable Gate, Black

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Brand Dreambaby
Model L943
Color Black
Size Pack of 1

  • Comes with two sets of hardware for mounting in two locations
  • Can be used indoor and outdoor
  • Fits narrow to wider openings up to 140cm (55in)
  • Easy to install. No tripping hazard
  • Lightweight. Sturdy and durable mesh
  • The product is a hardware mount gate and you must have the ability to mount it to a wall, not the underside of a cabinet.
  • This gate is designed to open with one hand. Simply turn the knob to unlock and then unlatch the gate.

  • The new Stylish Dreambaby Black Retractable gate will fit an opening up to 55" wide and is 34" tall. It has a one handed easy opening system and is suitable for top and bottom of stairways, hallways, and doorways. It comes with two sets of mounting hardware so that it can be used in two different locations. All the plastic components and mesh are UV treated. The screws and hardware are made of galvanized steel so that this item may be used outdoors on a deck or patio. It is easy to install using the included template.

    Custom Tab 01

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