Draw-Tite 9465-34 Hide-A-Goose Complete Kit for GM

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Brand Draw-Tite
Model 9465-34

  • Complete hide-a-goose gooseneck hitch system allows full use of pick-up bed area when hauling cargo
  • Accommodates all standard vehicle suspensions with no alteration of OE exhaust systems, 3-1/2" diameter hole in truck bed is required
  • 2-5/16" high strength chrome plated ball with a heavy duty handle that engages and locks ball in place, includes magnetic cover for use when ball is in stored position
  • Rated up to 30,000 pounds gross trailer weight and 7,500 pounds vertical load, includes spring loaded safety chain loops
  • Below bed rail kits are vehicle specific and rated to match manufacturer's vehicle weight ratings

  • Draw-Tite hide-a-goose gooseneck hitch system to meet your gooseneck towing needs. The secret of the system is in the rail kit. No drill rail kits to fit your specific truck for a clean installation with only a 3-1/2" diameter hole in truck bed required. Below bed rail kits are vehicle specific and rated to match manufacturer's vehicle weight ratings. Rated up to 30,000 pounds gross trailer weight and 7,500 pounds vertical load. Accommodates all standard vehicle suspensions with no alteration of OE exhaust systems. Includes a 2-5/16" high strength chrome plated ball and a magnetic cover for when ball is in stored position. A heavy duty handle engages and locks ball in place. Spring loaded safety chain loops fit flush against truck bed when not in use. Easy install, reliable service. Limited lifetime warranty.

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