Draw-Tite 6308 U-Bolt Safety Chain Kit

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  • U-Bolt Safety Chain Kit;

  • Trailer Hitch Safety Chain U-Bolt KitU-Bolt Safety Chain Kit;FEATURES:U-Bolt Safety Chain KitKit consists of (2) 5/8" U-Bolts, (4) U-Bolt springs, (4) Flat washers & (4) 5/8" - 18 Lock nuts. Limited lifetime warrantyDraw-Tite is the premier brand of custom trailer hitches. Established in 1946, Draw-Tite was born out of a passion for outstanding performance and has come to represent one of the best custom-fit vehicle products available today. Each hitch designed must pass rigorous tests to become Tested Tough(TM). With increased tongue weight capacity and integration of Hitch Match(TM), an all-new accessory pairing guide, Draw-Tite is the brand of choice for years of dependable service. Draw-Tite provides top quality in every hitch and receiver made. Solid all-welded construction is used for maximum strength and safety. Backed by a nationwide limited lifetime warranty, the custom-built hitches are manufactured to vehicle-specific weight specifications and model year to ensure perfect fit and towing performance. Computer-aided design and fatigue stress testing are done to ensure a strong design that will withstand road abuse within specified capacities. All Draw-Tite hitches meet and exceed V-5 and SAE J684 standards and are inspected for quality and workmanship. Aside from its technical merits, Draw-Tite is known by millions of NASCAR fans as one of the official sponsors of Team BKR - Brad Keselowski Racing. Draw-Tite has raced around the NASCAR Camping World Truck Series tracks hundreds of times on the #19 BKR truck. America's Favorite Hitch has gained even more notoriety through this exciting sponsorship.
    Brand: Draw-Tite, Model: 6308

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