Draw-Tite 36529 Class II Frame Hitch with 1-1/4" Square Receiver Tube Opening

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  • Receiver Style Hitch with Removable Drawbar, Pin and Clip, 1-1/4" Square Receiver Tube Opening
  • Rated up to 3,500 pounds (GTW) Weight Carrying (WC)
  • Neat Appearance, All Frame Attachments, with A-Coat Base with Black Powder Coat Finish
  • Custom Built to Manufacturer and Model Year Ensures Perfect Fit and Top Towing Performance

  • Need a receiver hitch for light-duty towing and/or hitch rack use but don't want the expense or hassle of a large, difficult to mount hitch for your car, CUV or mini-van if so, the Draw-Tite line of Class II Frame Hitches are a great choice. Economical to buy, quick and simple to install with the included mounting hardware - no drilling or welding required. Each Class II frame hitch features a 1-1/4" square receiver tube opening and are computer designed for a perfect fit to the frame and/or bumper of your specific vehicle, ideal for towing bikes, motorcycles, small boats, campers and more. Featuring all-welded construction for maximum strength and safety along with an A-Coat base followed by a black powder-coat finish for durability and corrosion resistance, these hitches are rated up to 300/3500 lb (TW/GTW) capacity and a great choice for getting on the road to your next adventure. All Draw-Tite hitches meet and exceed V-5 and SAE J684 standards and are fully inspected for quality and workmanship and backed with a nationwide limited lifetime warranty. Removable drawbar, pin and clip are sold separately. Draw-Tite is the premier brand of custom trailer hitches. Established in 1946, Draw-Tite was born out of a passion for outstanding performance and has come to represent one of the best custom-fit vehicle products available today. Each hitch designed must pass rigorous tests to become tested tough. With increased tongue weight capacity and integration of hitch match, an all-new accessory pairing guide, Draw-Tite is the brand of choice for years of dependable service.
    Brand: Draw-Tite, Model: 36529

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