Save both time and money. No need for 2 different sprays - all you need is 1 Color Primer
All Army Painter primers are Acrylic based, matte and dries very quickly.
Spray paints cannot be shipped outside Contiguous US or to APO/FPO and must be shipped by ground.
AMYCP3018 Dragon Red Primer by The Army Painter This spray is a very dark and deep red and is the ultimate basecoat for those Blood Angels, Khorne Bezerkers or any Khorne Daemons, Dragons or Warmachine Khador. Can be combined with DARK Tone Quickshade for a menacing and brooding look. Check the examples to the right. An ingenious combination of Primer and Colour Spray in one. The Color Primers unique formula has been designed to be used on all metal, plastic and resin miniatures and leaves a perfect finish. The extra-fine pigment and special nozzle combination makes the Color Primers easily cover the first time. The colors are extremely matte, making your freshly sprayed miniatures or models ready for base-coat almost right away. Save both time and money. No need for 2 different sprays - all you need is 1 Color Primer for perfect results. All primers are Acrylic based, matte and dries very quickly. Brand: The Army Painter, Color: Dragon Red, Size: 400ml, 13.5oz
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