Dr. Brown's PreVent Contour Glow in the Dark Pacifier, Stage 1 (0-6m), Blue, 4-Count

Dr. Brown's
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Brand Dr. Brown's
Model PV14005-WEB
Color Blue
Size 0-6 Month

  • Soft, suction-release bulb spreads wider as baby sucks for low-pressure comfort
  • Thin-stem design is minimally invasive on baby's mouth
  • Contoured "butterfly" shaped shield curves away from baby's face for comfort, plus allows plenty of room for baby's nose and cheeks
  • Safe illumination makes it easy for baby and parents to find at night and low-light situations
  • Easy to recharge; just expose to light!
  • Suction-Free air channel helps to reduce the suction and palatal pressure that can create dental issues such as cross bites
  • Thin-Stem design is minimally intrusive on baby's mouth
  • Soft, suction release bulb spreads wider as baby sucks for low-pressure comfort
  • Glow in the dark

  • Developed by a pediatric dentist to help prevent dental issues - and now easier to see and find. Features a patented Suction-Free Air Channel, helping to reduce the suction and palatal pressure that can create dental issues such as cross bites. Soft, suction-release bulb spreads wider as baby sucks for low-pressure comfort, plus thin-stem design is minimally intrusive on baby's mouth. Contoured "butterfly" shaped shield curves away from baby's face for comfort, plus allows plenty of room for little noses and cheeks. Safe illumination makes it easy for baby and parents to find at night and is easy to recharge - just expose to light. Made in the U.S.A. and BPA-free. Available in 0-6m and 6-12m sizes.

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