This innovative bottle effectively and efficiently covers all parents' needs.
Our bottles are known for reducing colic, spit-up, burping, and gas. Moms and dads prefer Dr. Brown's because they can help alleviate feeding issues for baby. It's yet another way we help babies experience happy feeding.
Vitamins C, A, and E are critical for health in infancy. The Dr. Brown's vent system reduces air bubble oxidation to help preserve bottle milk nutrients. This is important because vitamins and lipids are fragile, and susceptible to nutrient loss.
Dr. Brown's Options grows with the needs of your baby and offers healthy benefits whether your little one is experiencing feeding challenges or not.
Introducing Dr. Brown's Options: The market's first convertible bottle that can be used with or without the vent system. The new vent system is designed to grow with baby, and we recommend using this system to experience all the health benefits of our bottle. It helps reduce feeding problems, helps digestion and helps preserve vitamins. Some moms and dads find removing the vent a convenient option as their baby's feeding becomes more developed. The nipple venting creates a paced flow, and provides a feeding experience similar to most nipple-vented bottles. Options bottles fit most breast pumps, and are BPA-free. The Power Of Choice This innovative bottle effectively and efficiently covers all parents' needs. Dr. Brown's Options grows with the needs of your baby and offers healthy benefits whether your little one is experiencing feeding challenges or not. Options gives you the power of choice. Introducing Dr. Brown's Options: The market's first convertible bottle that can be used with or without the vent system. The new vent system is designed to grow with baby, and we recommend using this system to experience all the health benefits of our bottle. It helps reduce feeding problems, helps digestion and helps preserve vitamins. Some moms and dads find removing the vent a convenient option as their baby's feeding becomes more developed. The nipple venting creates a paced flow, and provides a feeding experience similar to most nipple-vented bottles. Options bottles fit most breast pumps, and are BPA-free. The Power Of Choice This innovative bottle effectively and efficiently covers all parents' needs. Dr. Brown's Options grows with the needs of your baby and offers healthy benefits whether your little one is experiencing feeding challenges or not. Options gives you the power of choice. Brand: Dr. Brown's, Model: SB83005-P3, Color: Clear, Size: 8 ounce
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