Dowling Magnets North/South Bar Magnets (3.13 inches long x 1 inch wide x .38 inch thick), Set of 2

Dowling Magnets
In Stock


Brand Dowling Magnets
Model DO-712
Color Red/Blue

  • Includes 2 plastic-encased ceramic bar magnets each measuring 3.13 inches long x 1 inch wide x .38 inch thick
  • Color coded to indicate poles (north is red, and south is blue). Oversized magnets are completely encased in plastic and easy for little hands to grasp. Child safety tested for ages 3
  • Perfect for magnet investigations--explore polarity, attraction, repulsion, magnetic fields, and more

  • Two chunky ceramic bar magnets are encased completely in plastic and feature color-coded poles (north is red, and south is blue). Oversized magnets are easy for little hands to grasp. Each measures 3.13 inches long x 1 inch wide x .38 inch thick. Perfect for early magnet investigations--explore polarity, attraction, repulsion, magnetic fields, and more! Ceramic magnets are the most lightweight and economical magnets. Usage tips: Avoid dropping or banging. Although they are more durable when encased in plastic (as this product is), ceramic magnets that have been dropped or impacted by force can break or chip. That is a property of the ceramic material. Also, any magnet that is dropped or banged can lose its magnetism--its domains inside can get misaligned. Storage: Store all magnets away from high heat and direct sunlight. Child safety tested for ages 3/grades preK.

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