Dowdle Santa Monica 1000 Piece Puzzle

Dowdle Folk Art
Out Of Stock


  • CREATE A LASTING PIECE OF ART representing stunning Santa Monica.
  • ENJOY THE PROCESS OF BUILDING THIS 1000 PIECE PUZZLE measuring out to be 19 X 27 inches.
  • COLLECTABLE PUZZLES FEATURING LOCATIONS from around the world. These collector painting help you feel part of the culture. From Islands to Mountains, from Sports to Holidays, collect them all today.
  • MADE IN AMERICA (USA). Made of a Blue Chip Board that is imported from Holland. High quality puzzle cardboard.
  • INCLUDES SPECIAL HIDDEN CULTURAL and city based references and jokes. Use your brain. Enhance your dexterity. Can you spot the people, jokes and messages hidden in the paintings

  • Take in this beautiful view of colorful Santa Monica from the famous pier to the nearby hills. This gorgeous city is one of the most environmentally friendly communities in the country and averages a staggering 325 days of sunshine a year. No wonder it is a place many skateboarders and surfers like to call home. Dowdle paintings are a unique way to see the simple, beautiful things in life. These witty and clever paintings of famous locations and cities will delight you as you begin to see them take shape. One of the special aspects of the paintings is the feeling of culture that jumps out at you. The pictures take the deepest cultural feelings, buildings, stories, people, events and scenery from all of your favorite cities. Enjoy a night with your family or friends and build a deeper appreciation for the people and places around you as you build these puzzles piece by piece.
    Brand: Dowdle Folk Art, Model: 10053

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