Double heart themed Unity Candle holders

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The lighting of the Unity Candle is a beautiful and symbolic part of the wedding ceremony that represents the joining together of two people. Add a symbolic touch to your wedding ceremony with these lovely unity candle sets. The 3 piece set is made of sturdy poly resin with a pearlized finish. It features a large pillar candle holder that has a cut-out interlocking heart design, further symbolizing the joining together of two hearts. Also included are two taper candle holders that have a stunning Flourish matching design. Pillar and taper candles are not included. This favor will perfectly showcase the ambiance of your romantic occasion, making this a truly special gift for your guests to take home. Size Pillar 4 1/8inches round x 2 3/4inches tall. Size Tapers x 2 1 3/4inches round x 1 1/4inches tall. Heart themed Unity Candle set. 3 piece set made of sturdy poly resin with a pearlized finish. Large pillar candle holder has a cut-out interlocking heart design. 2 taper candle holders with matching Flourish design. Packaged in a white box with a picture of the item on the box. Pillar and taper candles not included. A magnificent favor with two interlocking hearts, symbolizing the joining of two people in love!
Brand: Fashioncraft, Color: Off-white

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