Dog Gone Smart Dirty Dog Doormat , Runner, Grey

Dog Gone Smart Pet Products
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  • Our mats have a GSM abosrption rate of 3000 that is higher than our competitors with a GSM from 900 to 1500
  • The only mats to use the heavy "Gripper Non-Skid" backing on the bottom to prevent skidding and movement
  • Constructed with double basting and even stitching for rugged durability and long lasting use
  • The microfiber strands dry five times faster than ordinary doormats
  • Runner measures 60 x 30 inches and is machine washable

  • The Dog Gone Smart Dirty Dog Doormat magically soaks up water, mud and dirt with the wicking power of thousands of microfiber strands keeping your floor clean and dry. The mats have a GSM absorption rate of 3000; this advanced wicking power absorption rate is considerably higher than any of the competition that has GSM's from 900 to 1500. The only mats to use the heavy "Gripper Non-Skid" backing on the bottom of the mat, this prevents skidding and movement of the mat which is a major concern for consumers. None of the "knock off" mats have this exclusive non-skid backing. They are constructed with double basting and even stitching for rugged durability and long lasting use. The Dirty Dog Doormat is more than just a doormat and can be used in cars, crates, under litter boxes, food and water bowls. The microfiber doormat will dry five times faster than ordinary doormats and is machine washable for easy cleaning. Whatever you dog or cat can dish out Dirty Dog is there to catch the mess. Dog Gone Smart is a small family owned business located in Norwalk, CT and is the leader in stay clean technologies for pets in 42 countries. We donate a percentage of our profits to animal shelters and animal rescue groups around the USA.
    Brand: Dog Gone Smart Pet Products, Model: DGSDDR6021, Color: Gray, Size: Runner

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