The square format pinhole camera with an innovative light tight clamshell design.
Square picture format with images of 24mm x 24mm, with four settings using 2 apertures plus a soft focus filter
Get up to 50 exposures on a standard roll of 36 exposure film
Pinhole Cameras allow many really good close up shots due to the DOF (depth of field) of the pinhole.
Make-It-Yourself Paper Pinhole and Solargraphy kit. Assemble in 1-2 hoursno knife or scissors needed. Use 35mm film (not included) preferably ISO200. Technical Specs: Film type: Aperture 0.16mm. Focal length 20mm. F stop F/130. Pinhole cameras do not have optical lenses. Film is exposed by light through a tiny hole in front of camera. Because there is no lens, the image will be in focus at all distances. Best pinhole pictures are taken on a bright day. The camera must be very still when shooting. Exposure times range from 5 seconds to hours and sometimes days. Brand: DIY, Model: KKCAM01-A, Color: Multi
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