Dimensions Crafts 73-91468 Paint Works Paint by Number Kit, Golden Pond

Dimensions Crafts
In Stock


Brand Dimensions Crafts
Model 73-91468
Color Gold

  • Create your next masterpiece with the easy-to-use and fun paint works paint by number kit, golden pond
  • Paint the tranquil lake scene with relaxing throw-covered chair following the easy paint-by-number steps and techniques
  • Learn how to use realistic techniques, like dry brushing, stippling and detailing
  • Kit includes instructions, paintbrush, printed board 11 in x 14 in (27,9 cm x 35,5cm) and 12 acrylic paint pots

  • Use paint works paint by number kit, golden pond to paint this relaxing fall scene. It's easy to achieve the subtle tones that make this design look so realistic. Everything you need is included. Acrylic paints create a rich-looking painting and are quick drying and easy to use. Best of all, they clean up with water. Mixing colors to create a new shade is fun. Numbers on the board and chart indicate the pot colors. Letters indicate mixed colors. The colors to use for mixes are listed in the key. Learn how to use realistic techniques, like dry brushing, feathering, stippling and detailing. Kit includes instructions, paintbrush, printed board 11 in. X 14 in. (27,9 cm x 35,5cm) and 12 acrylic paint pots. Design by artist Darrell bush.

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