Stores earbuds in seconds - releases earbuds instantly and tangle-free with a single pull
Keeps earpieces, mics and cords fully protected
Works with a large variety of earbud designs and cords up to 48"
Made from a single piece of premium-quality, highly durable silicone
Compact, soft and flexible to fit easily in pockets, purses, bags, etc
The Nest is the most convenient, simple-to-use product available for keeping earbuds safe and tangle-free. This amazing little device provides the perfect solution for anyone who has ever had to untangle their headphones. By using the Nest you'll say goodbye to kinks, knots, and damaged earbuds. It protects, organizes, and provides a soft and compact case so you can take your earphones with you in your pocket, purse, bag, or backpack. Fits a wide variety of earbuds/earphones including the new iPhone 7 earbuds with lightning connector and can accomodate earphones attached to the 3.5mm iPhone 7 lightning adapter. Brand: Digital Innovations, Model: 4100500, Color: Blue, Size: Original
Custom Tab 01
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