DigiPas DWL80E Pocket Size Digital Level, Electronic Angle Gauge, Protractor, Angle Finder, Bevel Gauge, 0.1°, 4 inch

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  • DUAL FUNCTIONS - tilt/angle gauge to set and also check relative angles between two surfaces using Alternate Zero function
  • EASY RE-CALIBRATION by user back to factory setting with no special fixture required (patented); RESOLUTION: ±0.1° (0° & 90°), ±0.2° for 1° to 89°, switchable display between degrees (°) or slope (%)
  • STRONG MAGNETIC BASE: securely attach to fences, saw blade & base, and other metallic surfaces
  • SMART TECHNOLOGY SENSOR; improve accuracy with precise displays in degrees, In/Ft, mm/M, % slope
  • Measurement Range 0°/- 90° x 4 (360°)

  • Digi-Pas is a leading digital level manufacturer with a full range of digital levels with varying precision for engineering and trade professionals as well as DYI users. Digi-Pas levels allow you to measure angles digitally, electronically, and with an actual number, at every angle, all 360 degrees of a complete circle. So leveling your 3D printer bed, table saw, installing a deck, stair rail or extending a roof is simpler, less time consuming, and more accurate. Digi-Pas levels are simple to use. The DWL80 series is great for finding angles where small and confined spaces limits the size of the level that one can use. The DWL80E is a mini pocket digital level that allows for easy, clear and precise digital display of any angles in degrees or % of slope. This model has accuracy of 0.1° at 0° and 90° and 0.2° at all other angles. With a magnetic base, the DWL80E can easily attach to metal surfaces. The hold function freezes the reading on the LCD. This unit has longer than average battery life and an automatic 3 mins off feature. The strong impact resistance ABS polymer material casing is molded with a tough aluminum base with built in vials.
    Brand: Digi-Pas, Model: DWL-80E, Color: Black, Size: 1-(Pack)

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