Dico 541-777-3 Nyalox Wheel Brush 3-Inch Orange 120 Grit

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  • Maintains shape
  • Will not rust
  • Abrasive grit infused in every bristle
  • Ideal for a variety of uses
  • Last up to (10) times longer that Wire Brushes
  • Convenient Shapes and Sizes for all jobs
  • Gray-Extra Coarse...Orange-Coarse and Blue-Fine
  • Will not rust & maintains its shape. Safer to use.

  • Dico Products Orange Nyalox Orange Wheel maintains shape, will not rust and does not shed bristles under normal conditions for long lasting use. The durable brush features an abrasive grit infused in each bristle allowing it to remove and eliminate a variety of substances, safer to use and will not puncture skin. Designed to remove paint corrosion, weld scale, surface rust and burns from metals, prepare plastics, fiberglass and rubber surfaces for adhesives, prepare metal surfaces for primer and paint, cleans unfinished tile, stone, cement and brick mortar, remove old paint and finishes from wood, clean or sand wood turnings, railings, banisters, trim or moldings and can also be used for rounding and blending edges, cutouts and joining. Measures three inches.
    Brand: Dico, Model: 541-777-3, Color: Orange, Size: 3"

    Custom Tab 01

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