Diamond Select Toys Godzilla Classic Minimates Series 1 Box Set

Diamond Select
Out Of Stock


  • Celebrating 60 years of Godzilla movies
  • Classically-styled
  • Includes Godzilla and three of his most famous friends and foes: Mothra, Gigan and Titanosaurus
  • Each Minimate mini-figure stands approximately 2" H
  • Interchangeable parts

  • A Diamond Select Toys Release! What's the best way to stop a towering atomic monster Put him in your pocket! Celebrating 60 years of Godzilla movies, this box set of classically-styled Minimates includes Godzilla and three of his most famous friends and foes: Mothra, Gigan and Titanosaurus! Each Minimate mini-figure stands approximately 2 Inch tall and features a variety of interchangeable parts. Packaged on a blister card. Designed by Art Asylum!
    Brand: Diamond Select, Model: MAY142232

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