DHP Rose Linen Tufted Upholstered Platform Bed, Button Tufted Headboard and Footboard with Wooden Slats, Full Size - Black

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  • Contemporary design
  • Linen upholstery with Tufted details
  • Bentwood slat system provides great ventilation. Slat bases allow Air to pass freely beneath your bed, keeping your mattress fresher longer
  • Very good Back support with excellent pressure distribution
  • The slats adapt to weight exerted to them, providing you with the right amount of support

  • The center point of any bedroom is the bed—from its style and design to the colors, throw pillows and blankets that create a unique and welcoming look. Our Rose Upholstered Bed is made to leave just that kind of lasting impression. Here, we've added contemporary tufted detailing to the headboard and footboard and offer you a choice of black, tan or grey linen for a truly impressive look that fits any room. And the features don't stop there! The bentwood slat system provides incredible ventilation to keep your mattress fresh for longer by allowing air to pass freely underneath. It also offers excellent back support as it adapts to changing pressure, no matter how much you toss and turn. And there's no box spring required! The 4 contemporary legs round off the modern look, while the extra center legs ensure additional support for a sound night's sleep.
    Brand: DHP, Model: 4029029, Color: Black, Size: Full

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