CLA may help build muscle and reduce body fat when used in balance with a healthy diet and regular exercise program
100% animal free, and guaranteed for purity, freshness and labeled potency
Certfied Vegan CLA To Reduce Body Fat And Boost Metabolism
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA), is a naturally occurring free fatty acid found mainly in dairy products and meat. Without CLA, some aspects of our metabolism may fail to operate efficiently. CLA is known to improve the ability of fatty acids to enter the muscle and connective tissue cell membranes where they can be burned for energy.DEVA Vegan CLA is 100% animal free, and guaranteed for purity, freshness and labeled potency. Remember all DEVA Products are 100% vegan, vegetarian and are certified by the Vegan Society, the non-profit organization that actually invented the word "vegan". Brand: Deva Vegan Vitamins, Model: 70000, Size: 90
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