Delta T14294-RB Linden 14 Series Single-Function Shower Trim Kit with 5-Spray Touch Clean Shower Head, Venetian Bronze (Valve Not Included)

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  • Monitor pressure balance valve keeps water temperature within a safe ±3° F (±1.6° C), helping to protect you from sudden changes in hot or cold water pressure
  • Pause, Full Body Spray, Full Spray w/Massage, Fast Massage, Soft Drench Spray
  • Full body spray provides a steady, full-coveragespray perfect for every shower need, from rinsingshampoo from hair torelaxing tired muscles
  • Soft, rubber Touch-Clean spray holes allow you to easily wipe away calcium and lime build-up from the spray face of your shower head and hand shower with the touch of a finger
  • Trim kit only, must order MultiChoice Universal Valve (R10000-UNBX) separately to complete the unit

  • A smooth twist of the single handle and the Delta Linden T14294 Monitor 14 Series Shower Trim Set springs to life for a refreshing rinse. You can trust in the solid brass construction to last while coming in your choice of available finish. Pairing inspirational design with innovations that anticipate people's needs, Delta produces kitchen faucets, bathroom faucets, and shower systems that are as beautiful as they are functional. Delta puts all of their products through a strict regimen of durability testing. Delta Faucet is committed to green manufacturing processes and helping people to be smarter and more environmentally responsible in how they use water. All of these things add up to show how Delta is more than just a faucet. Solid brass construction ensures quality and reliability. Features H2Okinetic technology showerhead. For use with multi-choice universal rough valve body. Monitor scald-guard valve controls water temperature. Choose from various finishes. Flow rate of 1.75 gpm. Dimensions: 9L x 8W x 5.5H in..
    Brand: DELTA FAUCET, Model: T14294-RB, Color: Venetian Bronze, Size: 1

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