Deflecto Stackable Divided Cube Organizer, Desk and Craft Organizer, Clear, Removable Divider, 6"W x 6"H x 6"D (350701)

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Brand Deflecto
Model 350701
Color Clear
Size Small

  • Don't allow clutter to hinder your creativity! Organize your craft supplies or office tools, and store everything from glitter pens and colored crayons to highlighters and tape for a clutter-free creative space or work area
  • Divider can be removed to fit your individual needs and preferences! You can easily store office supplies using the included divider or remove it to make room for larger items
  • Modular organizers stack together with clips (1 included) for a custom system; configuration options are nearly endless with this highly versatile desk organizer!
  • Clear color makes it simple to find what you need while the modern design looks good in any home, office, or craft room!
  • Great for craft and scrapbooking storage, sewing supplies, office tools and school supplies so you can stay focused on the project, not the clutter!

  • Don't allow clutter to hinder your creativity! Organize your craft supplies or office tools, and store everything from glitter pens and embellishments to highlighters and tape for a clutter-free creative space or work area. With Deflecto's Stackable Divided Cube Organizer you can easily store your office tools and favorite craft supplies using the included divider or remove it to make room for larger items. Refilling the cube and reorganizing is easy and convenient, and the clear color makes it easy to find what you need. These modular organizers stack together with clips (1 included) for a custom system that allows you to organize your creative space or work area exactly as you want. Configuration options are nearly endless with this highly versatile stackable cube organizer and the modern design looks good in any home, office, or craft room. Great for craft and scrapbooking storage, sewing supplies, office tools and school supplies so you can stay focused on the project, not the clutter!

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