Deadliest Catch: Season 7

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  • Adventure is their call, crab is their prey, and a 100 million dollar plunder is their reward. Skippers and their crews endure boat killing storms and body crushing working conditions - risking it all on the search for crab. In the end, they will all come to the realization that the most violent storms come from within.

    The 2010 King crab season begins with an infusion of fresh blood into the crab fleet. Challenging the veteran skippers are 36-year-old Scott Campbell Jr. who helms the Seabrooke, and 28-year-old first-time captain, Elliot Neese, on the Ramblin Rose.

    Across the Bering Sea crab fleet, bad fishing causes high tensions and low morale as empty pots whittle away profits and nerves among the men.

    Jake Harris gets a sink-or-swim lesson on driving the Cornelia Marie as danger strikes the Wizard when a crewmember gets caught in the line.

    A serious injury forces a crewmember to his bunk after the crane breaks on the Kodiak, while the Seabrookes greenhorn has a mental breakdown. The crew of the Cornelia Marie must put aside their differences to seek cover from a massive Bering Sea storm.

    Two crewmembers nearly come to blows on the Northwestern while a deckhand on the Wizard falls asleep at the wheel and sends the boat steaming blindly toward a fleet of nearby vessels.

    In the midst of a rough King Crab season, a mutiny transpires on the Cornelia Marie while mental and physical breakdowns plague the crew of the Kodiak. A rogue wave threatens the Time Bandit and a Wizard deckhand summons the wrath of captain Keith.

    The police are called in after a confrontation on the Cornelia Marie while a debilitating injury to a Kodiak deckhand ends his career for good. An injury onboard the Ramblin Rose causes the rookie skipper to have a change of heart.

    The King Crab Season closes with a fierce arctic storm, a spectacular prank on the Northwestern by the crew of the Time Bandit and the departure of one of the fleets most revered fishermen.

    Massive change strikes every returning boat as Opilio Season begins. Edgar finally says goodbye to the Northwestern, a new captain boards the Cornelia Marie and the entire fleet is shut down by one of the largest arctic storms in history.

    As the fleet battles an epic arctic hurricane, focus shifts from strategy to survival. Ice and injuries have the captains considering desperate measures. With the fishing in question, only one thing remains certain: there will be blood.

    As another winter storm rips through the crab grounds, the Ramblin Rose makes an all-or-nothing gamble, the Time Bandit courts danger at the dock and a crewman on the Northwestern suffers a bloody, nose-breaking blow.

    A loose pot turns into a half-ton wrecking ball on the Kodiak, while a crewman on the Seabrooke is nearly crushed by ice. On the Cornelia Marie, the new skipper courts mutiny with a move to untested fishing grounds.

    A captain and deckhand clash on the Cornelia Marie over a crippling lack of bait, while skipper Elliott Neese attempts to fix a possible season-ending breakdown and the Time Bandits soft-spoken greenhorn goes to the Hillstrands Pirate School.

    The treacherous waters off St. Paul Island make offloading crab in this barren outpost a terrifying necessity for several boats. A harbor surge snaps lines on the Wizard while another greenhorn walks off the Seabrooke in a cloud of shame.

    As Opilio season winds down, two exhausted crewmen on the Time Bandit nearly come to blows. The skippers of the Seabrooke and Cornelia Marie both suffer debilitating injuries and the captain of the Wizard erupts and physically assaults an unlikely victim.

    The Bering Sea fleet finishes the season with big pots and big paydays. The Seabrooke captain fights an agonizing illness and the Northwestern takes revenge on the Time Bandit. The Cornelia Marie comes home from what could be its final season of fishing.
    Brand: New, Model: DCVY58525DVD

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