David Busch'S Guide shows you how, when, and why to use all the cool features, controls, and functions of the Rebel T3/1100D to take great photographs.
The Rebel T3/1100D is one of the most affordable entry-level cameras Canon has ever introduced. It boasts 12.2 megapixels of resolution, fast automatic focus, and cool features like the real-time preview system called Live View, and standard high definition (1280 x 720 pixel) movie shooting. As the owner of a Rebel T3/1100D, you demand the ability to take outstanding pictures with your new camera. DAVID BUSCH'S CANON EOS REBEL T3/1100D GUIDE TO DIGITAL SLR PHOTOGRAPHY shows you how, when, and why to use all the cool features, controls, and functions of the Rebel T3/1100D to take great photographs. Introductory chapters will help you get comfortable with the basics of your camera before you dive right into exploring creative ways to apply file formats, resolution, aperture/priority exposure, and other automatic exposure features. Beautiful, full-color images illustrate where the essential buttons and dials are, so you'll quickly learn how to use the Rebel T3/1100D, and use it like a pro! Brand: Cengage, Model: 9781435460263
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