Datacolor DC SLC100 SpyderLensCal Lens Calibration System

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  • Fast, reliable method of measuring focus on camera and lens combinations
  • Integrated level and tri-pod mount

  • SpyderLensCal provides a fast, reliable method of measuring the focus performance on your camera and lens combinations. It allows photographers to obtain razor-sharp focusing or check to see that their lenses are working at their peak performance. This device is compact, lightweight and durable, with integrated level and tri-pod mount. Photographers have enjoyed the benefit of autofocus for 25 years now, but many still struggle with its accuracy and repeatability. Auto-focus is a great convenience, especially in fast shooting situations. Many newer DSLR cameras now offer a method to correct this issue: they allow you to store auto-focus correction data for several of your most important lenses. This feature is likely to become more common, and appear in other camera types. SpyderLensCal was designed to aid in correcting the auto-focus on your camera and lens combinations and storing them in your camera's custom settings. System Requirements: DSLR or other camera with capability to store lens auto-focus corrections: Auto-focus lenses capable of being driven by this camera: No OS requirements, as the tool works entirely within the camera's menu.
    Brand: Datacolor, Model: DC SLC100

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